Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Essay paper on relationships

Teenagers are the best group when it comes to writing an essay on relationships. This is because during teenage time many of the students are engaged in different relationship with the opposite sex.

Teenagers especially boys have more than one relationship and this is because of peer pressure from other boys who have more than one girl friend. The different experiences from the different relationship make the boys feel happier when they have many girlfriends.

Though they feel that being a man is having many girls, these boys are sometimes conered when the girl friends find the boy to be a player. A boy who has ever had several breakups knows how difficulty it is and can tell the others about relationships from experience. Sometimes some relationships are not health and they may turn out to be worst. That is why peer presure should not guide the teenagers but they should act according to their principals.

They should listen to others life experiences concerning relationships and learn from such experiences whether the experiences were good or bad. Magazines, books and other information sources have an essay on relationships that tells a story of an individual relationship experience.

Therefore when students especially teenagers are writing an essay paper on relationships they shoul be based on their own experiences or the experience of their peers or what they read about others relationships.

Exchanging the writen essays can enlighten the path of relationships because the students will learn a lesson from the others and incase they fall under a similar experience they will be able to handle it much better. Relationships seem to be challenging to students but reading essays on relationship from different people will assist to minimise the challeges.